Drugs at FDA: FDA Approved Drug Products. Links to Initial Search Page

 http://druginfo.nlm.nih.gov/drugportal/drugportal.jsp?APPLICATION_NAME=drugportal WHO | World Health Organization http://www.who.int/en/

 National Library of Medicine http://www.nlm.nih.gov/

  CenterWatch http://www.centerwatch.com/

  ChemIDplus Advanced Application

Icelandic Medicines Agency
DrugLib.com — Drug Information Portal http://www.druglib.com/

  Health Canada http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/index-eng.php

  MCC Logo SOUTH AFRICA http://www.mccza.com/

  PMDA Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency, Japan http://www.pmda.go.jp/english/service/list_s.html
http://www.cdsco.nic.in/ http://www.fda.moph.go.th/eng/index.stm


Therapeutic Goods Administration

Australia's regulatory authority for therapeutic goods.

http://www.anvisa.gov.br/eng/index.htm BRAZIL http://www.anvisa.gov.br/eng/drugs/index.htm Singapore Government http://www.hsa.gov.sg/publish/hsaportal/en/home.html ARGENTINA

ANMAT Regulations in the Official Gazette: Here you will find ANMAT latest regulations published in the Argentine Official Gazette.


Ministry of Health http://www.health.gov.il/English/Pages/HomePage.aspx

NORWEGIAN MEDICINES AGENCY http://www.legemiddelverket.no/Om_Legemiddelverket/Sider/default.aspx

 COMISIÓN FEDERAL PARA LA PROTECCIÓN CONTRA RIESGOS SANITARIOS, MÉXICO. http://www.cofepris.gob.mx/Paginas/Idiomas/Ingles.aspx

Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority




List of Globally identified Websites of Medicines Regulatory National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health http://www.cancer.gov/
MediLexicon Logo
International Conference on Harmonisation
The Federal Register The Code of Federal Regulations
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research
MCA Information Resources
HPFB Guidelines
A service of the U.S. National Institutes of Health
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A Healthdirect Australia health information service.
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  • Eudrapharm for all drugs registered under the common process (many are not !)
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All government-subsidised medications available in Australia.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain lists national websites as aid to identification of foreign medicines. Some of the sites require registration.
1. Algeria: http://www.ands.dz/pharmacie‐med/sommaire.htm pharmacovigilance: http://www.cnpm.org.dz/

2. Angola: no website identified 3. Benin: no website identified 4. Botswana: http://www.moh.gov.bw/ ‐ MoH ‐ no MRA 5. Burkina Faso: http://www.sante.gov.bf/SiteSante/ministere/sc/dgpml.html 6. Burundi: website does not exist ‐ only MoH 7. Cameroon: no website identified 8. Cape Verde: no website identified 9. Central African Rep: no website identified 10. Chad: website does not exist 11. Comoros, The: no website identified 12. Congo, The: no website identified 13. Cote dʹIvoire: no website identified 14. Democratic Republic of Congo: website does not exist 15. Equatorial Guinea: no website identified 16. Eritrea: website does not exist 17. Ethiopia: http://www.daca.gov.et/ 18. Gabon: website does not exist 19. Gambia: no website identified 20. Ghana: http://www.fdbghana.gov.gh/ 21. Guinea: no website identified 22. Guinea‐Bissau: no website identified 23. Kenya: http://www.pharmacyboardkenya.org/ 24. Lesotho: no website identified 25. Liberia: no website identified 26. Madagascar: no website identified 27. Malawi: no website identified 28. Mali: http://www.dirpharma.org/ 29. Mauritania: no website identified 30. Mauritius: http://www.gov.mu/portal/site/mih MIH ‐ no MRA 31. Mozambique: website does not exist 32. Namibia: http://www.nmrc.com.na/ 33. Niger: no website identified 34. Nigeria: http://www.nafdacnigeria.org/ 35. Rwanda: http://www.moh.gov.rw/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=6 2&catid=56:ministry‐taskforces&Itemid=1 36. Sao Tome & Principe: no website identified 37. Senegal: http://www.sante.gouv.sn/ 38. Seychelles: no website identified 39. Sierra Leone: website does not exist 40. South Africa: http://www.mccza.com/ 41. Swaziland: MRA is being established http://www.gov.sz/home.asp?pid=99 42. Togo: no website identified 43. Uganda: http://www.nda.or.ug/ 44. United Republic of Tanzania: http://www.tfda.or.tz/ 45. Zambia: no website identified 46. Zimbabwe: http://www.mcaz.co.zw/ AMRO ‐ Regional Office for the Americas 1. Antigua and Barbuda: no website identified 2. Argentina: http://www.anmat.gov.ar/ 3. Bahamas: http://www.phabahamas.org/hospitals_overview_bnda.php 4. Barbados: no website identified 5. Belize: no website identified 6. Bolivia: http://www.sns.gov.bo/snis/enlaces_salud/dinamed/index.htm 7. Brazil: http://www.anvisa.gov.br/eng/index.htm 8. Canada: http://www.hc‐sc.gc.ca/dhp‐mps/index‐eng.php 9. Chile: http://www.ispch.cl/ 10. Colombia: www.invima.gov.co/ 11. Costa Rica: http://www.ministeriodesalud.go.cr/ MoH department withinformation on site 12. Cuba: http://www.cecmed.sld.cu/ 13. Dominica: no website identified 14. Dominican Republic: http://www.drogasyfarmacias.gov.do/ 15. Ecuador: no website identified 16. El Salvador: no website identified 17. Grenada: no website identified 18. Guatemala: http://portal.mspas.gob.gt/ MoH department with information on site 19. Guyana: MoH department http://www.health.gov.gy/prg_adm_food_drugs.php 20. Haiti: website does not exist 21. Honduras: http://www.dgrs.gob.hn/ 22. Jamaica: http://www.pcoj.org/ pharmacies and pharmacists, not medicines 23. Mexico: http://www.cofepris.gob.mx/ 24. Nicaragua: no website identified 25. Panama: http://www.minsa.gob.pa/ MoH department with information onsite 26. Paraguay: http://www.mspbs.gov.py/programas/index.php?id=6 27. Peru: http://www.digemid.minsa.gob.pe/ 28. Saint Kitts and Nevis: no website identified 29. Saint Lucia: no website identified 30. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: no website identified 31. Suriname: no website identified 32. Trinidad and Tobago: http://www.health.gov.tt/sitepages/default.aspx?id=93 33. United States of America: http://www.fda.gov/ 34. Uruguay: http://www.msp.gub.uy/subcategorias_8_1.html 35. Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of): http://www.inhrr.gov.ve/ EMRO ‐ Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean 1. Afghanistan: website does not exist ‐ only MoH 2. Bahrain: no website identified 3. Djibouti: no website identified 4. Egypt: http://www.eda.mohp.gov.eg/ 5. Iran (Islamic Republic of): no website identified 6. Iraq: no website identified 7. Jordan: http://www.jfda.jo/en/default/ 8. Kuwait: no website identified 9. Lebanon: http://cms1.omsar.gov.lb/en/Drugs/DrugsListWithLinks.htm 10. Libyan Arab Jamahiriya: no website identified 11. Morocco: http://srvweb.sante.gov.ma/Medicaments/Pages/default.aspx 12. Oman: http://www.moh.gov.om/nv_menu.php?fNm=pharma/regulation.htm 13. Pakistan: http://www.dcomoh.gov.pk/ 14. Qatar: http://www.nha.org.qa/moh / under construction 15. Saudi Arabia: http://www.sfda.gov.sa/En/Home/default.htm 16. Somalia: no website identified 17. Sudan: http://www.nmpb.gov.sd/ 18. Syrian Arab Republic: no website identified 19. Tunisia: http://www.dpm.tn/ 20. United Arab Emirates: http://www.moh.gov.ae/en/Page_431.aspx 21. Yemen: http://www.sbd‐ye.org/ EURO ‐ Regional Office for Europe 1. Albania: http://www.qkkb.gov.al/ 2. Andorra: http://www.salutibenestar.ad/ MoH department with informationon site 3. Armenia: http://www.pharm.am/index.php?langid=2 4. Austria: http://www.ages.at/ages/ueber‐uns/english‐what‐is‐ages/ 5. Azerbaijan: http://www.pharm.az/ under construction 6. Belarus: http://www.rceth.by/ 7. Belgium: http://www.fagg‐afmps.be/ 8. Bosnia and Herzegovina: http://www.alims.gov.ba/ 9. Bulgaria: http://www.bda.bg/ 10. Croatia: http://www.almp.hr/?ln=en&w=o_agenciji 11. Cyprus: http://www.moh.gov.cy/moh/phs/phs.nsf/dmlindex_en/dmlindex_en?opendocument 12. Czech Republic http://www.sukl.cz/ 13. Denmark: http://www.dkma.dk/ 14. EMEA: http://www.emea.europa.eu/ (also: DG Enterprise) 15. Estonia: http://www.sam.ee/ 16. Finland: http://www.nam.fi/ 17. France: http://www.afssaps.fr/ 18. Georgia: http://gdna.georgia.gov/02/gdna/home/0,2803,132319894,00.html 19. Germany: http://www.bfarm.de/gb_ver/ and: http://www.zlg.nrw.de/ and http://www.pei.de/EN/home/node‐en.html?__nnn=true 20. Greece: http://www.eof.gr/web/guest/home 21. Hungary: http://www.ogyi.hu/main_page/ 22. Iceland: http://www.imca.is/ 23. Ireland: http://www.imb.ie/ 24. Israel: http://www.health.gov.il/ MoH department with information on site 25. Italy: http://www.aifa.gov.it/and http://www.agenziafarmaco.it/section8983.html 26. Kazakhstan: http://www.dari.kz/?lang=rus 27. Kyrgyzstan: http://pharm.med.kg/ 28. Latvia: http://www.vza.gov.lv/index.php?setlang=en&large 29. Lithuania: http://www.vvkt.lt/index.php?3327723903 30. Luxembourg: http://www.ms.public.lu/fr/activites/pharmaciemedicament/index.html MoH department with information on site 31. Malta: http://www.medicinesauthority.gov.mt/ 32. Monaco: no website identified 33. Montenegro: http://sntcg.com/ulms/ 34. Netherlands: http://www.cbg‐meb.nl/ 35. Norway: http://www.legemiddelverket.no/Om_Legemiddelverket/Sider/default.aspx36. Poland: http://www.bip.urpl.gov.pl/ 37. Portugal: http://www.infarmed.pt/ 38. Republic of Moldova: http://www.amed.md/index_eng.html 39. Romania:http://www.anm.ro/en/home.html40. Russian Federation: http://www.roszdravnadzor.ru/ 41. San Marino: no website identified 42. Serbia: http://www.alims.gov.rs/ 43. Slovakia: http://www.sukl.sk/en 44. Slovenia: http://www.jazmp.si/index.php?id=56 45. Spain: http://www.agemed.es/en/actividad/sgInspeccion/home.htm 46. Sweden: http://www.lakemedelsverket.se/english/ 47. Switzerland: http://www.swissmedic.ch/index.html?lang=en 48. Tajikistan: under construction http://health.tj/en/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=6&Itemid= 749. The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: no website identified 50. Turkey: http://www.iegm.gov.tr/ 51. Turkmenistan: no website identified 52. Ukraine: http://www.pharma‐center.kiev.ua/view/en/index 53. United Kingdom: http://www.mhra.gov.uk/index.htm 54. Uzbekistan: no website identifiedSEARO ‐ Regional Office for South‐East Asia 1. Bangladesh: http://www.ddabd.org/ 2. Bhutan: http://www.health.gov.bt/dra.php 3. DPR Korea: no website identified 4. Democratic Republic of Timor Leste: website does not exist 5. India: http://cdsco.nic.in/ 6. Indonesia: http://www.pom.go.id/e_default.asp 7. Maldives: http://www.mfda.gov.mv/web/ 8. Myanmar: no website identified 9. Nepal: http://www.dda.gov.np/req_modern_medicine.php
10. Sri Lanka: 11. Thailand: http://www.fda.moph.go.th/eng/index.stm WPRO ‐ Regional Office for the Western Pacific 1. Australia: http://www.tga.gov.au/
 2. Brunei Darussalam: http://www.moh.gov.bn/pharmacyservices/drugregistration.htm3. Cambodia: no website ‐ only MoH 4. China: http://www.sfda.gov.cn/ a. China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region: http://www.psdh.gov.hk/eps/index.jsp b. China, Province of Taiwan: http://www.nlfd.gov.tw/en/index.aspx 5. Cook Islands: no website identified 6. Fiji: http://www.health.gov.fj/FPS/insRA.html 7. Japan: http://www.pmda.go.jp/english/index.html 8. Kiribati: no website identified

 9. Laoʹs Peopleʹs Democratic Republic: no website identified 10. Malaysia: http://www.bpfk.gov.my/ http://www.pharmacy.gov.my/index.cfm 11. Marshall Islands: no website identified 12. Micronesia, Federated States of: no website identified 13. Mongolia: http://www.moh.mn/MoH, http://www.ssia.gov.mn/statespecialized inspection agency, http://www.doh.gov.mn/Department ofHealth

14. Nauru: no website identified 15. New Zealand: http://www.medsafe.govt.nz/16. Niue: no website identified 17. Palau: no website identified 18. Papua New Guinea: website does not exist 19. Philippines: http://www.bfad.gov.ph20. Republic of Korea: http://ezdrug.kfda.go.kr/21. Samoa: no website identified 22. Singapore: http://www.hsa.gov.sg/publish/hsaportal/en/home.html23. Solomon Islands: no website identified24. Tonga: no website identified 25. Tuvalu: no website identified 26. Vanuatu: no website identified

27. Vietnam: http://www.dav.gov.vn/

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