Monday 5 August 2013

Garcinia Cambogia for Weight Loss

If you are an avid user of weight loss products or are interested in starting a diet then you may be curious about Garcinia Cambogia and how effective it is for weight loss. There is nothing worse than searching for information on weight loss products. Your search engine transforms from a helpful, information tool into a long ad that only links you to websites that are trying to sell you a product rather than actually give you any useful information. This is true whether or not the product is any good. Here are some facts on the weight loss product Garcinia Cambogia: it suppresses an enzyme known as citrate lyase and it increases serotonin levels in the brain.



  1. In physiology, lyase is an enzyme catalytically aiding in breaking various chemical bonds by means of an "elimination" reaction, other than hydrolysis and oxidation. This reaction often results in the formation of a new cyclic structure or a new double bond, and a reverse reaction called a "Michael addition" might also possibly happen under the catalysis of lyase. lyase introduction
